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New Guidance from the Information Commissioners Office
For some councils, especially the smaller one, the changes to data protection law has been confusing and challenging; ICO’s latest guidance might be just what you are looking for.
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) this week published more advice for parish and town councils, in response to prolonged pressure from our national association (NALC) for continued sector-specific guidance. ICO’s senior policy officer, Stacey Egerton, has blogged about three top issues for town and parish councils and their new bite-sized resources including a fact sheet on the use of personal devices, data audit and retention resource pack, and six steps to data sharing in local councils. Also pleasing is Stacey’s recognition of growing confidence among councils and evidence of good practice, but she also highlights there is still more to do.
NALC will be meeting with the ICO over the next few weeks and we will be discussing this latest guidance and further support to help councils with data protection.
For further information about data protection, please see the ‘information management’ pages in the Knowledge Hub.
Information Management
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