
Nominations invited for seat on Dartmoor National Park 07/02/2022

Dartmoor National Park Authority is seeking a Parish Member to fill a casual vacancy which has arisen.


Parish and Town Councils in the West Devon and Mid Devon areas, with land in the Dartmoor National Park, are invited to submit nominations to fill a casual vacancy which has arisen.

Dartmoor National Park Authority exists to secure for the public good the conservation, enhancement, enjoyment and understanding of the special qualities of Dartmoor, its landscape, wildlife, and cultural heritage.  It also looks to support Dartmoor’s businesses and communities and economic growth.

The Authority has 19 members, four of which are nominated by parish councils on Dartmoor (two for the South Hams/Teignbridge Area, and two for the West Devon/Mid Devon area). One casual vacancy has arisen in the West Devon/Mid Devon area due to a resignation.

In order to fill the seat as quickly as possible, a tight timetable has been agreed for nominations, and any subsequent ballot, as follows:

  • Nominations to be returned by 5:00pm by: Thursday 7 April 2022
  • Ballot Papers to be sent out by: Friday 8 April 2022
  • Ballot Papers to be returned to DALC by: 2:00pm on Wednesday 20 April 2022

There is a Nomination Form, which should be completed in all parts and returned.  This form will be copied and sent with all the ballot papers for the information of parishes who may not know all the candidates.

Further information is available as follows:

Member Role Description | Guidance Notes | Election Timetable |General Information About DNPA.

Read more about the Dartmoor National Park Authority.

*For applicable councils, please add this item to your next agenda, and make arrangements to deal with the ballot stage if this falls outside of your usual council meeting.