
Chair's Blog

The Chair’s Blog 29th January 2025 29/01/2025

Dear members,

Thanks to all those clerks and councillors from the larger councils who joined our online meeting to discuss devolution and local government reorganisation following the publication of the government’s English Devolution White Paper.

About 90% of the larger councils were represented. The online meeting with smaller councils is tomorrow and it’s not too late to register.  We want to hear from as many smaller councils as possible so that DALC can build a picture of what towns and parishes want to see for their communities as the outcome of the very significant changes that are coming about.

As you may remember, one of the outcomes of our DALC Conference in 2023 was the desire to see improved relationships with the county and district councils. During last year, DALC worked with DCC officers to develop a Civic Agreement which sets out a framework for joint working, including sharing of information and partnership working on issues of mutual importance to the benefit of both organisations. (The Highways Connect Events last year were an early first step along the way – more of these follow in 2025.) The Civic Agreement has only just been agreed by cabinet so the processes for making it work are only just being put into place. It’s an exciting opportunity for our sector to work more effectively with a principal authority as well as a chance to establish good working relationships during this period of change.

Alongside all the other changes is the establishment of the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority. The principles on which it is founded are going ahead with its committees being formed and Regulations being drafted. DALC has a place on the Team Devon Joint Committee, whose purpose is to bring together all the tiers of local government to work jointly on shared priorities for the benefit of all communities. Good joint working has already come from Team Devon, e.g. the Housing Commission, and part of its function going forward will be to advise, inform and support the work of the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority.

There’s a lot going on! DALC will continue to keep members up to date with developments but please contact the office if you want to know more or have ideas and concerns you want us to know about.

Best wishes,
Liz Brookes-Hocking, Chair of DALC’s Board of Directors