Managing employees through effective supervision and appraisals

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Code of Conduct

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Being a Good Councillor | Short Course

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Being a Good Councillor 4 | The Council in the Community

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Being a Good Councillor 2 | Powers, Duties and the Precept

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Being a Good Councillor 1 | Roles and Responsibilities

Who does what in the council? This webinar explores the roles and responsibilities of the council team.

Recommended for:

Newly elected or co-opted councillors, or those seeking a refresher

Course Overview:

Part 1 of our popular ‘Being a Good Councillor’  series is designed to help you to understand the various roles of the council team.

The session will explore the roles and responsibilities of the council, as a body, and the individuals within the team: the Chairman, councillors, and the clerk.

We’ll also explore the skills needed to be a good councillor and guide you in undertaking your own skills audit.

This session is delivered by DALC Training Officer, Elise Callaghan.

Don’t forget to check out the rest of the Being a Good Councillor series:

Being a Good Councillor 4 | The Council in the Community (evening course)

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AGM and Conference 2021

DALC AGM and Conference 2021

DALC’s annual conference is our flagship event of the year.  The 2021 event is a 3-day online conference offering the widest choice of speakers, workshops and panels for councillors and officers to date.

Laptop showing remote meeting taking place


Date: Tuesday 5 to Thursday 7 October 2021.
Cost: £40 for first delegate, £10 for each additional booking. AGM only participants are free.

Councillors and officers will benefit from a mix of informative and practical sessions covering key issues facing our communities as well as hearing a range of best practice examples and case studies from other councils in Devon.  We also have a number of companies showcasing their knowledge and products to assist local councils to serve their communities.

The 3-day online conference includes:

  • Opportunity to learn about DALC, who we are and what we do
  • Three inspiring panels showcasing local councils covering the topics: Young People, Health & Wellbeing, and Climate/Ecological Emergency
  • A range of informative sessions providing insight, advice and guidance to local councils
  • Companies highlighting products to support local councils

The event also incorporates the Annual General Meeting, where the Annual Report 2021 will be presented, elections of board members, and discussion on member motions.

The Panels

Our final session each day will be a panel with speakers from across our membership. Read on for details.

Tuesday 5 October

Young People

How and why should councils engage with younger people? We are delighted to welcome Cllr Keely Allin and Cllr Ollie Tucker who will be giving their insights as young councillors themselves; find out why they became councillors and their tips for encouraging others to stand.  We will also hear from a council about their work engaging with young people in their community.

Sponsored by: 

Sponsor to be confirmed

Wednesday 6 October

Health and Wellbeing

How are councils supporting the health and wellbeing of their communities? Councils large and small support the health and wellbeing of their communities in a variety of ways.  We welcome Great Torrington Town Council, Dawlish Town Council and Fremington Parish Council to share the projects they have been involved in for the benefit of their residents.

Sponsored by: 

Learn more about Parish Online

Thursday 7 October

Climate/Ecological Emergency

Making progress with the climate/ecological emergency. It’s been a few months now since declarations of emergency have been made by councils, and across the county Parish and Town Councils are approaching the issue in variety of ways, and projects large and small.  We welcome Exmouth Town Council and Brixham Town Council to share their recent work and their plans for the future.

Sponsored by: 

Sponsor to be confirmed

Conference Sponsors

Parish Online Logo

Parish Online is a self-service online mapping tool that helps your local council use maps to make council tasks more efficient and ultimately save money. Parish Online helps councils improve their local management of assets and improves efficiency and communication with principle authorities and the public, all using digital mapping. Some of the most common uses are for building neighbourhood plans, recording street assets, insurance liabilities, and planning events.

Booking your place

Whether you are interested in attending all or part of the conference, and/or the AGM, please use the booking form below to register your place at the event.  A couple of weeks before the event we will send you a list of all the sessions, and you can register in advance to attend the sessions of interest to you.  Please note that each session will have its own zoom link.

Fees will be charged at £40 for the first delegate from your council, and £10 for each additional delegate.  Delegates can book as many or as few sessions as they like.  Cancellations for the event must be received at least 48 hours before the event takes place, and any delegates which fail to attend will still be charged.

Being a Good Councillor 3 | Local Council Meetings (evening course)

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Being a Good Councillor 3 | Local Council Meetings

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