Changes to Permitted Development Rights | Have your say!

The government is proposing further changes to permitted development rights, and we would like your views on how we should respond

Permitted Development Rights are rules which allow certain types of works to be carried out without the need for planning permission. They derive from permissions granted by Government, rather than the local authority.

The Government is proposing further changes to permitted development rights, including:

  • A new permitted development right to support temporary recreational campsites.
  • Changes to the existing permitted development rights for solar equipment and a new permitted development right for solar canopies.
  • Amendment to the existing permitted development right which allows local authorities to undertake certain development. This change would allow bodies to undertake the work on behalf of the local authority.
  • Changes to the existing permitted development right allowing for the temporary use of buildings or land for film-making purposes.

DALC has held a longstanding view which does not support an across-the-board extension of permitted development rights in the planning system.  We believe that decisions about development should be made at the local level, and policies should be the prerogative of local authorities in their Local Plans, or Neighbourhood Planning Groups.

However, we recognise a blanket rejection to proposals would not be supportive of other positions we hold such as initiatives to support the climate emergency and the rural economy.

Therefore, we are asking members for their views in our quick snapshot survey.  Your views will help us to determine whether to respond to the consultation, and to what degree we support or oppose the proposals.

Our snapshot survey will close on Wednesday 12 April 2023.

Any council concerned about the proposals can also respond directly to the consultation, which closes on 25 April 2023.

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What resources would your council find helpful, should an emergency situation like the early lockdowns of the COVID-19 pandemic happen again?

The early stages of the pandemic were a challenging time for councils looking to help their communities and seeking advice on how to do so in a novel and rapidly changing situation.

In collaboration with Devon Communities Together, DALC is running a survey about what resources councils would find useful to assist them in helping their communities in an emergency. This work, funded by the Devon Recovery Co-ordination Group, will inform a wider project on how the public sector and voluntary community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector work together in Devon.

This short survey is about what resources your council would find helpful, and about the possibility of online resources for Devon based on existing ones used in North Yorkshire.

The closing date for the survey is Wednesday 8 March 2023. If you have any queries or issues regarding this survey, please contact DALC’s Policy Officer.

Share your views in our short survey

New survey on the financial impact of Coronavirus

one pound coins

The financial impact of coronavirus is effecting parish and town councils across the Country.  NALC is surveying councils to better understand the impact.

NALC are keen to understand the financial impact of coronavirus on local councils so they can gather evidence to present to the government. This will help support their calls for financial assistance to the sector. They have issued a survey, and we would really like to see as many councils as possible completing it. Please fill it in as soon as you can, the deadline is the 24th April.

The survey includes questions on precept, staffing and income so you may want to have that data to hand. It’s vital that NALC has this information, particularly from councils who are struggling with financial difficulties.


Find out more about the work of the National Association of Local Councils

Keep up-to-date with the latest guidance on Coronavirus, including financial support for communities, in our Knowledge Bank.