
DALC responds to Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority Consultation 29/02/2024

DALC has issued its response to the public consultation on the proposed Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority (CCA).


DALC’s response addresses key themes such as governance and decision-making, resources, and engagement with PTCs and communities.

In terms of governance and decision-making, DALC supports the transfer of functions and funding from central government to local government, advocating for greater local autonomy. We welcome the creation of a democratically accountable body to deliver a devolution deal for Devon, and emphasise the importance of wider democratic involvement and collaborative decision-making.

DALC also raises concerns about resources, highlighting the need for clarity on the short and longer-term resource requirements for the CCA. We stress the importance of sustainable funding beyond the initial government allocation and express reservations about burdening constituent councils with additional financial responsibilities.

Engagement between the CCA and PTCs is another crucial aspect addressed in DALC’s response. We emphasise the importance of strengthening relationships between PTCs and constituent councils, advocating for improved recognition and engagement of PTCs as equal partners in local governance.

While acknowledging the evolving nature of the government’s devolution agenda, DALC expresses support for the creation of the CCA and its potential to facilitate further devolution opportunities in the future. We advocate for direct access to government funding and enabling powers for PTCs to better serve their communities.

DALC’s response underscores the importance of collaborative and inclusive governance structures that empower local communities and ensure their voices are heard in decision-making processes.

As the consultation period progresses, DALC remains committed to advocating for the interests of PTCs and working towards a more inclusive and effective local governance framework for Devon and Torbay.

We encourage all our member councils to engage in the consultation, and to promote the consultation within your communities.  The consultation closes on 24th March 2024.  Find out more at

Read DALC's full response.