
Man and woman shaking hands

Parish and town councils can advertise their job vacancies here for free as part of our member service. Search through the current vacancies or add your advert using the link below.

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Job Title Council name District Salary Required Hours Closing date
Assistant Clerk – Broadclyst Broadclyst Parish Council East Devon SCP11- 13 37 hours p/w 12/08/2024
Deputy Town Clerk – North Tawton North Tawton Town Council West Devon SCP 18 - 23 12 hrs/week 02/08/2024
Parish Clerk – Broadhembury Parish Council Broadhembury Parish Council East Devon National scale LC1 plus an expense allowance 250 hours per annum 30/09/2024
Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer – Colyford Colyford Parish Council East Devon SCP 18-28 8 hrs/week 31/08/2024
Parish Clerk/Responsible Officer – Holcombe Rogus Holcombe Rogus Parish Council Mid Devon LC 1 25 hrs/month 14/09/2024
Parish Council Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Merton Parish Council Torridge SCP 7 - 17 4 hrs/week 09/09/2024
Town Clerk/RFO – North Tawton Town Council North Tawton Town Council West Devon LC2 scp 29 - 32 (£19.41 – £20.90 per hour) 20 hours per week 22/08/2024
Town Hall Caretaker – Brixham Brixham Town Council Torbay SCP 05 24hrs/week 31/07/2024

Want to place an advert?

There is no charge for member councils to advertise their job vacancies on this page.  Please use the form below to submit your advert. If you have any queries, please contact us.