Support for community-led housing solutions
Prana Simon, Community Led Housing Advisor.
From concept to reality, community-led housing is a model that engages stakeholders at every level in community building and benefit.
Has your LA declared a Climate Emergency? How does this affect the priorities and options that flow from a housing scheme either being mooted or in the pipeline, by your community? Is the desire for quality housing only answered by the housing models we’ve used so far?
Can communities ‘afford’ the usual closed boardroom decisions for housing schemes that constantly fail to address affordability and energy needs adequately? And often fall short of designing with those in local housing need in mind?
Find out a bit more of what’s possible with information on CLH (Community Led Housing) at:
Prana uses toolkits and topics in her workshops and sessions meant to inform sustainable goals on local housing needs. It’s working together as working stronger, working better. Come invigorate and widen your group’s strategic thinking on housing.

Some participant feedback on an Introductory Workshop…
“…innovative, very interesting and clever system for people to engage and understand about Community Led Housing….well planned…and well met by those who attended. Bringing interested parties together…There’s enormous potential to encourage more CLT’s to evolve and provide more housing at a time of increasing housing need, in particular to help those on a low income.”
J. H. Devon CC
Accredited Community Led Housing Advice

Prana Simon leads bespoke workshops where you are, either one-offs or in series. These can be in-person and ‘blended’ formats where some are present and some have joined virtually. Workshops wholly via Zoom webinar are also available. To discuss your group’s needs in a no-fee 25 min call/Zoom, just get in touch in the months of October and November.
Parish and town councils in general stand to benefit from systems-based thinking tools to help them with their local plan inputs. EDI and Theory of Change are built into the conversations we initiate and explore in my workshops and classes, so these sessions are also optimal for CPD credits.
“My aim is to reach out to CLTs, Parish Councillors and members of Neighbourhood Planning groups working on their affordable housing chapters so the work towards 2030 and beyond for rural housing in Devon can reflect genuinely viable responses to our present and overlapping crises.”
Prana Simon CLH Advisor & Harberton PCGet in touch via email or phone/text on 07773797647.