Responding to Planning Applications

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Responding to planning applications

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Community Led Planning

Community led planning is a consultation exercise and opportunity for a community to consider their concerns and interests.

The Community Led Planning process is a grass-roots initiative comprised of a community consultation exercise. It can bring the community together by realising joint aspirations for the area and working together to achieve that through the planning system. It is a unique opportunity for a community to looks at its own concerns and interests through a structured consultation process that is driven and carried out by the community itself.

The process might help form a parish plan, a neighbourhood plan or a community/village design statement which can lay out the issues raised and the desired outcomes that have been revealed by the consultation process. This can then feature in your responses to planning applications as your plan will identify what the community feels is best for them, and what is a priority in development.

Community led plans can also help you identify the resources and skills available in the community; there’s a wide range of untapped potential in all communities. Sometimes people who do not otherwise engage with the local council might want to get involved with the process to help the community take control of the area.

If you would like more information about embarking on a community led plan, you could try contacting Devon Communities Together or ACRE.

Neighbourhood Planning

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The Good Councillors Guide to Transport Planning (2019)

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How to shape where you live: a guide to neighbourhood planning

This guide provides a brief introduction to the planning system and neighbourhood planning, emphasising their role in sustainable development. It sets out some general principles for neighbourhood plans, providing a brief description of the different stages through which a neighbourhood plan goes. In addition, the guide also offers step-by-step advice on how to prepare a neighbourhood plan, including information on sustainability appraisal.

How to respond to planning applications: an 8 step guide

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Planning Explained

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The Good Councillors Guide to Neighbourhood Planning (2017)

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Planning notice on site

Parish and town councils are a statutory consultee in the planning system and have a significant role to play in influencing local planning decisions.

Planning is the system by which the use and development of land are managed for the benefit of the community.  The overall aim of the system is to ensure there is a balance between allowing development to take place, and protecting/conserving the environment and local amenities.

People are often negative about the planning system as the system can appear complicated and full of jargon.  Changes are being made to enable communities to fully engage in planning processes including the preparations of places and decisions on planning applications.