We often hear comments from Council’s who wish they could have police attendance at their council meetings; to hear about crime statistics in their area and raise awareness of any local concerns. But for most, this is no longer possible as police resources are limited.
However, the Office for Police and Crime Commisioner (OPCC) Councillor Advocacy Scheme aims to improve communication between local councillors, the police and the police and crime commissioner. The scheme provides regular opportunities to see and hear the latest news and information including face to face discussions, quarterly meetings, themed seminars and access to a named contact within the commissioners office.
During recent COVID-19 restrictions, the OPCC have not held their usual face-to-face seminar but recently recorded an interview with Chief Superintendent Matt Lawler, Silver Commander for Devon and Cornwall Police, answering questions posed by Cllr Advocates.
If this has sparked an interest for you and your council, and you wish to appoint a member to this scheme, email councilloradvocateopcc@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk or call 01392 225555 for further information.