We’re now approaching the end of the financial year, March 31 2024, which is often a busy time for local councils as they embark on the audit process. Your Responsible Financial Officer will be starting to prepare the end of year accounts, and the council will be undergoing an internal audit and getting ready to approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Return.
The external auditor for Devon has remained PKF Littlejohn, who will contact councils in due course (often late March) with all the relevant documentation for this year including advice notes and proforma documents. If your contact details have changed since last year, or if you don’t hear from them, you may want to contact them to give them your new information.
While the RFO might prepare the accounts, all councillors share collective responsibility for the financial management of the council, and should have an up to date knowledge of the financial position of the council. The external audit process requires the council to sign the Annual Governance Statement, making a number of assertions about how the council has complied with financial best practice. To make those assertions, councillors need to have sound information and an understanding of the council’s finances.
To help gain financial confidence, councillors will benefit from a Finance for Councillors course; for the first time in four years we are offering a one-off opportunity to attend a face to face course on 5 March, at 6.30pm. Don’t miss out on this rare chance for training, and book now!
For clerks who are doing their end of year accounts for the first time, or need a refresher, we are also offering an End of Year Accounts face to face course on 6 March, 10am. We don’t generally offer these courses in a face to face version so this is a perfect opportunity to attend, ask questions and get a thorough understanding of the audit process. Book your place now!
We also have webinars available through The Parkinson Partnership
If you are new to the end of year accounts and audit process, or just not feeling very confident, then please don’t panic! There are various sources of support available to help. Of course, please do feel free to contact our Advice Service who will be delighted to assist and there’s plenty of guidance in our Knowledge Bank.
The JPAG Practitioners Guide 2023 is full of guidance on proper practices and assistance for completing the Annual Governance and Accountability Return, so will be your handbook for going through the process!
The internal audit is key to a successful process, and appointing an internal auditor is essential for the council. Read our guidance here on what to look for in an internal auditor. The Internal Audit Forum will also be able to help, especially their directory for finding an internal auditor for your council.
As our external auditors, PKF Littlejohn released some feedback from the 2022/23 feedback on common issues they encountered, which may help you with the preparation of this year’s documents. We’ve gathered these points below for you.
This is one of the key reasons for raising queries with clerks. PKF Littlejohn need narrative and quantitative information to support the explanations provided, to bring the unexplained element to within 15%. They are looking for evidence that the clerk can demonstrate an understanding for the reason why there is a variance, not just a breakdown of the numbers. A printout of the ledger for both years, or a list of all income and expenditure merely serves to support the mathematical accuracy of the figures.
Similarly, if the explanation of variance relates to the precept, it is not enough to say that the precept went up because it was increased. The external auditor will be looking for an explanation of what was in the budget that caused the precept to increase, with numbers to back this up. Please note that it is the total precept that needs explanation, not the amount payable per household.
A council who has certified as exempt will not be issued a closure documentation since no review will have been carried out by the external auditor. If you meet the criteria for exemption, but have been selected for the 5% sample for intermediate procedures, it is still possible to certify exemption.
Accounting Statements (section 2 of the AGAR)