Apply to join our non-executive director team
The Devon Association of Local Councils plays a vital role in empowering parish and town councils across Devon.
As an organisation committed to fostering local governance, DALC is seeking individuals to step forward and contribute their skills and experience as non-executive directors.

Reasons to consider applying:
1: Contribute to our effective governance
As a company director for DALC, you can actively contribute to our strategic plan. You can help shape the policies and decisions that directly impact our membership. Your input and expertise can influence how we deliver our services, how resources are allocated, and the projects/initiatives we engage with.
2: Make a meaningful impact
If you are passionate about local councils and standards of probity in public life, and wish to promote and protect local councils interests, rights, functions, and privileges, and assist them in the performance of their duties, then DALC can offer a fulfilling platform to translate that passion into action. Through the role you can work with fellow directors, staff and member councils to promote widespread and well-informed interest in local government. Your contributions can create a lasting impact on local councils in Devon.
3: Personal and professional development
Serving as a non-executive director for DALC provides an excellent opportunity for personal and professional growth. You will gain valuable experience in strategic planning, governance, financial management – all skills which are highly transferrable. Engaging with a diverse range of stakeholders and collaborating with fellow directors can broaden your network and enhance your leadership abilities. We will invite you to share in the development of relevant training and shadowing opportunities to strengthen your skills base.
4: Connect with like-minded people
Joining DALC as a non-executive director brings you into a community of like-minded people who are equally committed and passionate about local councils. You will have opportunities to network, share ideas and collaborate. The sense of camaraderie and shared purposed provides invaluable support, inspiration, and encouragement throughout your directorship.
5: Contribute to Devon’s vibrant communities
By becoming a non-executive director for DALC, you will be actively contributing to supporting parish and town councils in Devon, empowering councils to continuing serving its unique and diverse communities, making our county a thriving place to live, work and play.
What’s involved?
DALC’s Board will only be effective if all members are committed to the responsibilities involved. As a non-executive director you will be expected to attend bi-monthly meetings, usually held remotely, and the occasional in-person workshop. Meetings are typically 2 hours in length. Where in-person meetings take place, at our offices in Cheriton Bishop, all reasonable expenses will be covered.
Non-executive directors may choose to be appointed to committees and/or working groups, which will require further commitment. Again, these are usually held remotely.
Every member of the Board receives free attendance at our prestigious annual conference.
All non-executive directors will be expected to communicate via email and to respond promptly to correspondence from the County Officer and fellow directors.
Read the role profile for a non-executive directorApply today!
Standing as a non-executive director for DALC offers an exciting opportunity to bring your skills, expertise and passion to the table, and make a tangible contribution to Devon’s local government community.
Complete your online application form by 5pm, Friday 18 August 2023.
For an informal chat, please contact the Cara Stobart, County Officer on 01392 241131 or
About the application process
The Board of Directors is comprised of up to nine seats which are appointed at the Annual General Meeting. The term of office for appointments is three years. There are four vacancies to fill at the Annual General Meeting taking place on 27 September 2023.
Who can put themselves forward?
To be eligible to stand, individuals must be willing to act as a director and permitted in law to do so, and at the time of election, be either: a parish or town councillor, or a chairman of a parish meeting, within the county of Devon.
Individuals must not be disqualified from acting as a director under the Company Directors Disqualifications Act 1986.
Individuals need not be nominated or provide referees, though it would be beneficial to have the support of your parish or town council (where applicable). We ask that there be no more than one candidate from any one parish or town council, or parish meeting.
How to apply
Candidates wishing to be considered must complete and submit the application form.
All applicants will be treated fairly and equally regardless of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, domestic responsibilities, political or trade union activity or any other forms of discrimination.
Assuming there are more candidates than seats available, details of the applicants (their name and personal statement) will be sent to all member councils with instructions on how to place their vote for their preferred candidates. Appointments will be confirmed via resolution at the Annual General Meeting.
Timetable for applications
There is a very tight timetable and candidates are invited to put themselves forward forthwith. Councils are asked to ensure arrangements are made to deal with the ballot stage at the appropriate time. This may include adding the item to the agenda of your September meeting, or agreeing delegation to your clerk to return the ballot paper.
Applications to be returned by: | 5pm Friday 18 August 2023 |
Information regarding candidates to be sent by: | Wednesday 30 August 2023 |
Ballot Votes (if applicable) to be submitted by: | 9am Monday 25 September 2023 |
Results confirmed and agreed at the AGM: | Wednesday 27 September 2023 |