
Stand for our Board of Directors and save the date for our 2022 AGM 04/07/2022

Stand for our Board of Directors to help oversee the day-to-day strategic management of the Devon Association of Local Councils and save the date (5 October) for our AGM 2022

Stand for our Board of Directors

As a company, DALC is required to have a Board of Directors and each year one-third of the board must stand down which means we will have 3 vacancies to fill at our AGM 2022 on 5 October.

The Board of Directors is responsible for the day-to-day strategic and operational management of the Association. This is a great time to join as we are developing our next business plan.

Who can stand and how to apply?

To be eligible to stand for the Board, individuals must be willing to act as a director and permitted in law to do so, and at the time of election, be either: a parish or town councillor, or a chairman of a parish meeting, within the county of Devon. Terms are for a 3-year period.

If you are interested in standing for the board, please take a look at the role profile and submit an application. Applications must be received by 5pm, Friday 19 August.

In the event of there being more candidates than seats available, there will be an election where all member councils will be able to vote. An advance poll will be called at the end of August so please make sure this item is on your September agenda.

If you require any further information or would like an informal chat, please do hesitate to contact us.

AGM, Conference and Exhibition – date for your diary

The Annual General Meeting of the Devon Association of Local Councils Ltd will take place on Wednesday 5 October 2022.  This meeting forms part of our Conference and Exhibition, and will be held at Exeter Racecourse.

Every member council has a vote at our AGM, and as an organisation led by and for its members, we appreciate every council making an effort to participate and contribute to our governance. Member councils can also submit motions for consideration at the AGM, which must have regard to constitutional matters (view our company articles).

Details on how to register to attend, and details of advance and proxy voting, will be circulated in the coming weeks. For now, pop that date in your representative’s diary!

Have your council project featured at our Autumn conference!

One of the benefits of our large network is the ability to share and learn from one another. Last year we were delighted to feature several councils and their projects in our online conference. Feedback was fantastic and we are looking to feature more councils this year at our hybrid conference on 5 October.

So if you have a project/service which you have delivered yourselves, or in partnership with others, and you would be happy to share your story and learning with others, please get in touch because we’d love to hear from you!

We are particularly keen on topics related to housing, and health and wellbeing, but all topics will be considered.