
Solar Panels

New solar panel group-buying scheme launched in Devon


Devon’s householders have the chance to help the county become net-zero by joining Devon Climate Emergency’s (DCE) solar panel group-buying scheme.

Climate Change
Photo of Sue Baxter

NALC Chairman’s Open Letter to All Councillors


NALC’s Chairman Sue Baxter has written an open letter to all councillors expressing her thanks for all your hard work and dedication over the last few challenging months.

Coronavirus NALC
Older woman on the phone

Warning over coronavirus test and trace Scams

There has been a lot of discussion lately about the risk of ‘test and trace’ scams as members of the public might start receiving phone calls from the NHS Test and Trace Service.

Website Accessibility

New guide to website accessibilty

The National Association of Local Councils has published a new guide with practical tips to help you understand the new website accessibility regulations.

Information Management
Code of conduct consultation

Have your say | Model Code of Conduct consultation


The Local Government Association is consulting on a proposed national model member code of conduct and we want you to share your views.

Have your say
Coronavirus 2019 image

New coronavirus risk assessment guidance released


NALC and BHIB Councils Insurance have produced a new guide on risk assessment for coronavirus.

one pound coins

New survey on the financial impact of Coronavirus


The financial impact of coronavirus is effecting parish and town councils across the Country.  NALC is surveying councils to better understand the impact.

Coronavirus Have your say
Woman with dementia

Help NALC with their ground-breaking research on dementia


NALC have teamed up with the University of Plymouth to undertake research on dementia in parish and town councils. They believe that councils play an important role in communities to find solutions to help tackle the effects of dementia.

Have your say Health
Woman shopping with face covering

Coronavirus | News from Devon County Council


The latest updates from Devon County Council regarding support for communities during the coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus Grants
People donating food to charity

Coronavirus | NALC and SLCC issue joint letter to councils

NALC and the SLCC have issued to a joint statement commending councils for their work supporting communities as they respond to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus Health NALC