Working with Towns & Parishes I am sure many of you are aware of the […]
Cara Stobart, DALC County Officer provides the highlights of the company’s inaugural AGM held on 7th October 2020.
Has your council ever used the ‘Right to Contest’ for unused land to be brought back to use in your community? If yes, NALC is interesting in hearing you.
Congratulations to Payhembury Parish Council for improving their communications and attracting individuals to stand for co-option. The clerk explains what they did.
Devon’s householders have the chance to help the county become net-zero by joining Devon Climate Emergency’s (DCE) solar panel group-buying scheme.
NALC’s Chairman Sue Baxter has written an open letter to all councillors expressing her thanks for all your hard work and dedication over the last few challenging months.
There has been a lot of discussion lately about the risk of ‘test and trace’ scams as members of the public might start receiving phone calls from the NHS Test and Trace Service.
The National Association of Local Councils has published a new guide with practical tips to help you understand the new website accessibility regulations.
The Local Government Association is consulting on a proposed national model member code of conduct and we want you to share your views.
NALC and BHIB Councils Insurance have produced a new guide on risk assessment for coronavirus.