NALC have updated the model contract of employment for clerks and officers along with a template contract for other employees.
All the DCC Budget and Priorities Meetings for town and parish councils hosted by Cllr John Hart have been held and are now available on the DALC You Tube channel.
Moretonhampstead Parish Council made a school visit last week to explain the work that the council does in the parish and how children can get involved.
Is keeping precepts low the best approach for our communities? DALC explores the delicate balance between financial responsibility and investment in our communities.
A Devolution Deal for Devon – catch up on our recent connect event, what’s coming next and how these events can help you stay informed!
Join us for an informative and collaborative event where we will learn about Devon’s Local Nature Recovery Strategy and explore the opportunities for supporting nature recovery through management of amenity greenspace.
The Food Waste Collection campaign aims to highlight how easy it is for residents to make the most of their food waste collection service.
Footpath maintenance is a classic example of the important, but often unsung, work that parish councils do that has enormous value to their community
We are currently recruiting for a Member Services Trainee/Assistant, with a view to developing that role into a Member Services Officer. As the existing Member Services Officer, read my story and why I’m looking forward to working with you!
The 2023/24 Pay Award has been agreed by the National Joint Council and now applies from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024.