
Star Council Awards 2021 23/03/2021

NALC is once again running its awards programme this year!

This is part of their work to recognise the local (parish and town) council sector’s achievements.

The Star Council Awards are the only awards in England to celebrate the local council sector’s brilliant contribution to its communities. Therefore, the awards are an excellent opportunity for councils, councillors, clerks and county associations to showcase how they have made a real difference locally.

This year, the theme of the awards will focus on projects that have positively impacted communities in the context of Covid-19. We know lots of our councils in Devon have done amazing things to support their communities in the last year; this is your time to shine!

More details, and how to nominate yourselves, can be found here. Categories include Clerk of the Year, Councillor of the Year, Council of the Year and Young Councillor of the Year.

The deadline for submissions is the 25th May 2021.