Parish Clerk - Broadhembury Parish Council

Parish Clerk – Broadhembury Parish Council

The Parish Council is looking for a Clerk. Broadhembury PC is situated between Honiton and Cullompton and part is within the Blackdown Hills National Landscape. It includes the picturesque village of Broadhembury

The Parish Council meets six times a year in Broadhembury Memorial Hall and the Planning Sub-Cttee meets as required. There are approximately 600 electors on the Electoral Roll and about 300 houses in the hamlets of Luton, Dulford, Kerswell and Colliton and Broadhembury village. Annual precept is £8600 although this is supplemented by grants as required.

The Parish Clerk and RFO carries out the normal duties of this role.

Whilst experience of local government is desirable it is not necessary. The attainment of relevant qualifications will be supported .Of more importance are computer literacy, numeracy and interpersonal skills. Residence in the parish is not required but attendance at formal PC meetings would be expected .

The Council can have twelve Councillors and is very active on behalf of the community. It is represented on the Blackdown Hills National Landscape Partnership .

The role is part-time currently assessed at 250 hours per annum but could be more depending on tasks or projects undertaken. The Council is willing to engage a dedicated Clerk or a Clerk who also works for other Councils part time.  The Council pays the part time equivalent of National scale LC1 ( scale point subject to experience and qualifications) plus an expense allowance.

In the first instance contact the Chairman by E mail :   Or text: 07889 649467