
Light bulbs in the sky

Government energy help for local councils


Energy help – the government have released a support package for all commercial energy users, including local councils. Read the guidance below from our partners, Clear Utility Solutions.

Current events
Chudleigh Town Hall, where there will be a warm space

Warm Space in Chudleigh Town Hall


Chudleigh Town Hall as a safe, warm space this autumn and winter

Member Story

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II


It was with profound sadness that the Devon Association of Local Councils has learnt of the death of Her Majesty The Queen.  The Association extends its heartfelt condolences to His Majesty The King and to the Royal Family.

We remember with immense gratitude the lifetime of service which Her Majesty devoted to our Nation and to the Commonwealth.

Beach wheelchair hire at Exmouth beach

Beach Wheelchair Project in Exmouth!


Exmouth Town Council has developed a Beach Wheelchair Project to hire out specially adapted wheelchairs for use on the beach

Member Story
Enjoying a warm space

Could your council offer a ‘Warm Space’ this autumn/winter?


With autumn and winter rapidly approaching, could your council offer a ‘Warm Space’ to help your community keep warm?

SAAA central appointment of external auditors


The SAAA (Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments) is responsible for appointing external auditors for opted-in smaller authorities and is now appointing for the next five year period.

Advice Finance
Cup for refill

Refill! A new guide to reusable cups and reducing waste


City to Sea’s Refill campaign has launched a new guide to reducing waste, and introducing reusable cups at events

Climate Change
Councillors in Totnes enjoying the new bench installed as part of a project tackling loneliness

Tackling loneliness in Totnes with a new bench


A new bench has been installed outside The Mansion in Totnes to make it easier for people to stop and chat as part of a project tackling loneliness

Member Story

Free trees available in Devon


Free trees for Devon – councils and communities can apply to help with tree planting schemes that they might be planning but need to be quick!

Climate Change

Pay award for 2022/23 and payments in lieu


An update from our County Officer on the 2022/23 pay award and a message to all councils from the National Employers about payments in lieu.

Advice Employment