
Playing Field or Village Green

Came and Company Events Q&A


Came and Company Local Council Insurance hosted an Events Q&A with DALC members to help them prepare for summer events and beyond.


Beat the heat | stay safe in the heat and looking out for the most vulnerable


Advice from Devon County Council on how to stay safe in the heat and help protect those most at risk alongside new guidance on managing outdoor public places.

Coronavirus 2019 image

Easing of Covid-19 restrictions and what it means for councils


Advice on council business (including meetings, managing staff and facilities) following the easing of Covid-19 restrictions on 19 July.


Funding available to help Devon’s communities reconnect, rebuild and recover


Devon County Council funding available to help Devon’s communities reconnect, rebuild and recover from the pandemic

Woman shopping with face covering

Opening up facilities as restrictions ease


Advice on opening up facilities as restrictions ease from Came & Company Local Council Insurance and the Risk Management Team at Arthur J Gallagher & Co.

Advice Coronavirus
Saunton Road wildflower planting.

Wildflower verges in Braunton


Braunton is buzzing! The Parish Council and volunteer groups in Braunton have been working hard to develop wildflower verges on roads to benefit wildlife.

Member Story

Telebug Hotel opens in Brixham


Brixham Town Council opens a Telebug Hotel in an adopted K6 telephone kiosk and supports the recycling of plastic crab lines.

Member Story

Adopt a Kiosk – your ideas for what to do with an adopted phonebox!

Many councils in Devon have taken advantage of BT’s offer to ‘Adopt a Kiosk’ and adopted red phone boxes to use as a community asset.

Member Story

Joint statement agreed by Civility and Respect Project Working Group


The Civility and Respect Project Working Group have agreed a joint statement summarising the core aims and values for change in our sector.


Parish Online training resources

Parish Online training resources from the 24 June training sessions, with a chance to let us know on what data you need from local authorities
